Case study
Stock Timing Tech
Learn how Stock Timing Tech overcame technical hurdles and launched their App in just 6 Months!
Cindy Eagar
Co-Fouder at Stock Timing Tech
“Working with a pre-vetted software development team has been a game-changer for us. Their technical expertise and project management skills really helped us take our product to the next level, and we’re really excited about the future.”
About Stock Timing Tech
Stock Timing Tech company, (now the Sigma Investor) was founded in 2020 in the US to provide an educational platform for people to make money in the stock market.
The company was founded by Scott McBrien who has a background in Financial Services and Cindy Eagar, who has a background in marketing.
They decided to develop an app called ‘The Laser’ to help develop a reliable app that helps you make consistent profits in the stock market.
The software was to be powered with an AI algorithm that signals when to buy and sell stocks, push updates every 15 minutes, and provide investors with information all in one app.
- The development and launch of ‘The Laser’ investment took just 6 months! The app was built with scalability in mind allowing the company to comfortably onboard users without worrying about the performance, stability, and security of their app.
- The development team allowed for seamless updates and constant communication with the leadership team at Stock Timing Tech allowing them to focus on more income-generating tasks rather than worry about software development.
Lack of expertise
The team at Stock Timing Tech had previously worked with a local US developer who did not have the experience and skill needed to build the robust app that the company needed to scale its operatons
Pre-vetted software developers
Once we understood what they wanted to build we matched them with a team that had the technical know-how and experience in building a similar app. The app was fast, robust, and launched in just over six months!
We Make Your MVP’s Budget, Timeline, and Developers Stick to Plan
The Services we provided for Stock Timing Tech
Product consulting
Pre-vetted development team
Create a free plan for growth
Speak to Victor and walk out with a free assessment of your current development setup, and a roadmap to build an efficient, scalable development team and product.
“Victor has been great. Very responsive and understanding and really knows his stuff. He can go the extra mile by tapping into his prior experiences to help your company out. Really enjoyed working with him.”
Founder of Agency360
Victor Purolnik
Trustshoring Founder
Author, speaker, and podcast host with 10 years of experience building and managing remote product teams. Graduated in computer science and engineering management. Has helped over 300 startups and scaleups launch, raise, scale, and exit.